Archives - May 2016


Our presentations on LIFE Water Platform Meeting, 24 – 25 May 2016, Manchester, UK

In the frame of the LIFE Water platform meeting we have presented our first results obtained in the frame of the LIFE PharmDegrade project and enlighten the problem of pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater. The presented poster by Jurij Trontelj with the title »I. Optimization of the LC-MS/MS method for quantification of selected pharmaceuticals in wastewater …


Presentation of the project results on the conference VIVUS 2016, Naklo Slovenia

On 20 and 21 April 2016, we attended the 4th Conference VIVUS with international participation on nature conservation, agriculture, horticulture and food processing, which was held in Biotechnical center Naklo. At the conference we presented the article with the title Electrochemical oxidation technology for the reduction of refractory trace pollutants from water: 43_Rozina_Klancar_Trontelj_Roskar_Kristl_Meglic_Cater_Finzgar_Zupancic Justin_Z Presentation …