Closure Confrence


Conference Presentation

Company Arhel d.o.o. organised in a cooperation with Faculty of Pharmacy University of Ljubljana a Closure conference of the project LIFE PharmDegrde: Pharmacologically active substances in wastewater: optimisation of analytical methods and removal processes, on 24th and 25th of November 2016 in Ljubljana (Arhel`s business unit, Tržaška 330).

The main purpose of the event was to present the results of the project LIFE PharmDegrade “Degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater from nursing homes and hospitals”. The project touches the problematics of drugs residues or residues of pharmacologically active substances in wastewater. In the frame of the project, we have carried out shorter screening on pharmaceutical residues in different wastewater sources, upgraded the analytical methods for identification and quantification of target substances in wastewater and constructed a pilot plant with a system of electrochemical oxidation for the removal of micropollutants as pharmaceuticals are.

At the conference, we shared our findings with the active participation of the broader expert public, since drug residues are increasingly recognised to be a considerable problem for which a definitive solution is not yet known.

The actual conference programme can be downloaded from the following link: program-konference-life-pharmdegrade-ver-20-nov-2016

The Organizing Committee

dr. Maja Zupančič Justin him, Anita Klančar, Tinkara Rozina, dr. Maša Čater, dr. Neza Finžgar

Programming and peer review committee:

doc. dr. Jurij Trontelj, Assoc. prof. dr. Robert Roškar, prof. dr. Albin Kristl, dr. Luka Teslić, dr. Maša Čater, dr. Neza Finžgar, dr. Maja Zupančič Justin

Conference Proceedings

Proceedings of the conference can be downloaded from the following link.

Presentations and Posters

Marko Gerl, dr. Maja Zupančič Justin Uvodni pozdrav in otvoritev konference  Conference opening gerl-justin-uvod-life-pharmdegrade

doc. dr. Agnes Šömen Joksić Ostanki zdravil v okolju: vzroki, posledice in ukrepi za zmanjšanje problema Pharmaceuticals in the environment: sources, consequences and measures to reduce the problem somen-joksic

mag. Nataša Vodopivec Predpisi na področju varstva voda pred onesnaževanjem Legislation on the protection of waters against pollution vodopivec-n

Anita Klančar Spremljanje onesnaženosti slovenskih odpadnih vod s farmacevtiki Monitoring of pollution of Slovene wastewaters with pharmaceuticals klancar-a-life-pharmdegrade

Vesna Hrženjak, dr. med., spec. javnega zdravja Farmakološko aktivne snovi v vodooskrbnem sistemu urbanega okolja Pharmacologically active substrances in teh water supply system of urban environment

dr. Lucija Kolar Pregled (naj)pogosteje uporabljenih zdravil v Sloveniji Overview of the most commonly used pharmaceuticals in Slovenia kolar-hribernik

prof. dr. Helena Prosen Postopki in težave pri določanju aktivnih učinkovin v odpadnih vodah Procedures and problems in the determination of active compounds in wastewater prosen-h-angl

izr. prof. dr. Robert Roškar Razvoj analizne metode za določanje izbranih metabolitov zdravilnih učinkovin v odpadnih vodah Development of a method for determination of selected drug metabolites in wastewater roskar-r-life-pharmdegrade

doc. dr. Tina Eleršek  Strupenostni testi za vrednotenje odstranjevanja onesnaževal iz vode Toxicity tests for evaluation of pollutant removal from water

Tjaša Gornik Posnemanje fotorazgradnje sertralina v okolju Simulation of environmental photodegradation of sertraline gornik-t

Gorazd Lakovič, dr Luka Teslić, Jošt Grum Predstavitev delovanja pilotne naprave LIFE PharmDegrade Presentation of pilot plant LIFE PharmDegrade lakovic-teslic-grum-life-pharmdegrade

Znan. sv. dr. Vesna Cerkvenik Flajs Problematika in raziskave ostankov veterinarskih zdravil v okolju Problems and examination of residues of veterinary medicines in the environment cerkveni-flajs

dr. Boris Kolar Izzivi na področju okoljske ocene tveganja za veterinarska zdravila Environmental risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products – actual challenges kolar-b

prof. dr. Metka Filipič Rezultati ekotoksikoloških raziskav ostankov citostatikov v okolju The results of the ecotoxicological studies of the residues of cytostatic drugs in the environment filipic-m

dr. Marjeta Česen Kroženje ostankov ciklofosfamida ter ifosfamida v vodnem okolju Occurence and fate of cyclophosphamide and iphosphamide residues in the aqueous environment filipic-m

Prof. dr. Milenko Roš Vzorčenje odpadne vode in čiščenje mikroonesnaževal Wastewater sampling and treatment of micropollutants ros-m

doc. dr. Jurij Trontelj Učinkovitost razgradnje izbranih farmacevtikov v novi pilotni napravi projekta LIFE PharmDegrade z napredno oksidacijsko tehnologijo Effectiveness of degradation of certain pharmaceuticals in new pilot plant by advanced oxidation technologies withing the LIFE PharmDegrade project trontelj-j-life-pharmdegrade

Matej Čehovin Hibridni postopki napredne oksidacije in hidrodinamične kavitacije za odstranjevanje farmacevtskih učinkovin iz pitne in odpadne vode Hybrid advanced oxidation processes and hydrodynamic cavitation from the removal of pharmaceutical ingredients from drinking and wastewater cehovin-m

doc. dr. Ana Mladenovič Nanoremediacija vode iz male čistilne naprave za ponovno uporabo in izzivi z vidika mikroonesnaževal; projekt LIFE RusaLCA Nanoremediation of effluent water from a small wastewater treatment plant and its challenges from the point of view of the treatment of micropollutants; the RusaLCA project mladenovic-life-rusalca

Igor Boševski Primerjava naprednih oksidacijskih tehnik za razgradnjo antibiotika v odpadni vodi Comparison of advanced oxidation techniques from antibiotic degradation in the wastewater

Jasna Kalan Razvoj analizne metode za ugotavljanje zaostankov nekaterih fitofarmacevtskih sredstev v okoljskih vzorcih Development of an analytical method for the determination of pesticide in environmental samples

Jan Kralj Razvoj analizne metode za določanje izbranih metabolitov zdravilnih učinkovin v odpadnih vodah Development of a method for determination of selected drug metabolites in wastewater kralj-j

Janja Umnik Razvoj in validacija analizne metode za merjenje koncentracij izbranih učinkovin v površinskih vodah s tekočinsko kromatografijo, sklopljeno z masno spektrometrijo Development and validation of an analytical method for quantification of selected pharmaceuticals in surface water samples by liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry janja-umnik

Jelena Topić Merjenje koncentracij nekaterih zdravilnih učinkovin v odpadni vodi in tkivih rib z metodo LC-MS/MS Measurement of various phrarmaceuticals in wastewater and in fish tissues by LC-MS/MS topic-j-et-al

Severina Stavbar Analizna metoda za določanje amoksicilina in ciprofloksacina v sintetični bolnišnični odpadni vodi Analytical method for the determination of amoxicillin and ciprofloxacin in synthetic hospital wastewater stavbar

Matic Zakotnik Razvoj novega pristopa za ekstrakcijo izbranih zdravilnih učinkovin iz vodnih vzorcev na osnovi sorptivnega mehanizma Development of a new stir bar sorptive extraction approach for eytraction of pharmaceutical compounds from water samples zakotnik-m


Images from the first day of the conference, 24th November 2016

Images from the second day of the conference, 25th November 2016

Images from the visit of the pilot site

Location of the event

Tržaška 330, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Centre Hotel G Hotel Design ( the first floor of the Arhel d.o.o. business unit, building on the corner of the crossroad).


The exact location and access can be viewed at the following link.

Visit of the LIFE PharmDegrade pilot plant

On the second day of the conference, 25. 11. 2016, we will organise a tour to the pilot plant and demonstration of its operation.

Individual visits will be possible from 15 pm onwards.

The pilot plant is located next to the existing wastewater treatment plant in Golnik.


Contact address for information:

dr. Maja Zupančič Justin,  conference coordinator

Phone: +386 (0) 5 90 33 386



Arhel projektiranje in inženiring d.o.o.

Tržaska 330

1000 Ljubljana