

September 16th, 2016: Presentation of three of our LIFE projects at a press conference of the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning

We have presented our projects at the Slovenian LIFE projects market organised by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in the framework of a press conference aimed at presenting the LIFE project “Capacity building – Strengthened for European funds for our environment”. Projects` goals and results were presented to visitors and the Slovenian Minister …


Our new publication on levels of pharmaceuticals found in wastewater

Colleges from Faculty of Pharmacy, University Ljubljana have performed detailed analysis on residuals of medical drugs in wastewater and published it Archives of industrial hygiene and toxicology (Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health). The publicationwith the title: Levels of pharmaceuticals in Slovene municipal and hospital wastewaters: a preliminary study can be downloaded on the …


Project presentation on II. Slovenia – Kosovo Business Conference, 7th June 2016

Our LIFE projects have been presented on the second Slovenia-Kosovo business conference with B2B meetings held in Ljubljana, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, on 7th June 2016. You can download the presentation on the folowing link: ARHEL presentation of LIFE projects SLO Kosovo conference GZS More about the event can be find on …


Our presentations on LIFE Water Platform Meeting, 24 – 25 May 2016, Manchester, UK

In the frame of the LIFE Water platform meeting we have presented our first results obtained in the frame of the LIFE PharmDegrade project and enlighten the problem of pharmaceuticals in hospital wastewater. The presented poster by Jurij Trontelj with the title »I. Optimization of the LC-MS/MS method for quantification of selected pharmaceuticals in wastewater …


Presentation of the project results on the conference VIVUS 2016, Naklo Slovenia

On 20 and 21 April 2016, we attended the 4th Conference VIVUS with international participation on nature conservation, agriculture, horticulture and food processing, which was held in Biotechnical center Naklo. At the conference we presented the article with the title Electrochemical oxidation technology for the reduction of refractory trace pollutants from water: 43_Rozina_Klancar_Trontelj_Roskar_Kristl_Meglic_Cater_Finzgar_Zupancic Justin_Z Presentation …


Visit us on the conference VIVUS Naklo, Slovenia in April 2016

Visit us on the 4th Conference VIVUS with International Participation On Agriculture, Environmentalism, Horticulture, Floristics, Food Production And Processing, 20th-21th April 2016 in Biotechnical centre Naklo Slovenia. We will present the project LIFE PharmDegrade with the paper: Electrochemical oxidation technology for the reduction of refractory trace pollutants from water


Visit us on the XI. International scientific conference »ECOLOGY FOR BETTER TOMOROW«, 31 Mach – 1. April, RIS Dvorec Rakičan

Visit us on the XI. International scientific conference »ECOLOGY FOR BETTER TOMOROW«, which will take place between 31 Mach and 1. April, RIS Dvorec Rakičan. We will present the project LIFE PharmDegrade with the poster entitled “Development of electrolytic cell within the LIFE PharmDegrade project: optimization of anode electro-chemical oxidation to remove drug residues from …


Pilot plant constructed

The LIFE PharmDegrade pilot plant has been installed at the existing wastewater treatment plant in Golnik, Slovenia. The construction is made in two aboveground containers with additional small biological wastewater treatment plant and tertiary system with electrolytic cells as a final treatment step. Several containers and piping system will allow us to test various different …