

Completed laboratory experiments and the development of electrolytic cells

We have completed with the laboratory scale experiments within the project on the use of electrolytic cells for the degradation of drug (pharmaceuticals) residues in water. The use of boron-doped diamond electrodes showed high degradation efficiency. During the development phase, the electrolytic cell power supply system was upgraded with innovative solutions that enable us adjusting …


Presentation with the lecture on the 6th Croatian Water Conference, 22. May, 2015 Opatija

We will present the first LIFE PharmDegrade project results on the 6th Croatian Water Conference in Opatija with the following lecture:   Successful reduction of pharmaceuticals and herbicides from water: first laboratory-scale results of LIFE Pharmdegrade project”.   Summary Numerous studies have been published about the presence of pharmaceuticals and phytopharmaceuticals in wastewater, ground and even …


CHEM Trust Report: Pharmaceuticals in the Environment

The report “Pharmaceuticals in the Environment: A growing threat to our tap water and the environment” has been published by CHEM Trust. The report highlights the extent to which medicines are now polluting fresh-waters and the hazard they present in the case of no action. The report’s authors are calling for sewage treatment works to …