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The extended results of the LIFE PharmDegrade project were published in the Analytical Methods Journal

We have published a paper with the title “Multi-residue analysis of selected pharmaceuticals in wastewater samples by stir-bar sorptive extraction followed by liquid desorption and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry”, A. Klančar, M. Zakotnik, R. Roškar and J. Trontelj in the Analytical Methods Journal. The paper represents an extensive part of the research carried out within the …


Odmevna predstavitev projekta na 3. kongresu Slovenskega toksikološkega društva

Na tretjem kongresu Slovenskega toksikološkega društva (SloTOX), ki se je odvijal 28. septembra 2017 na Fakulteti za farmacijo v Ljubljani, z naslovom Okoljska onesnažila in komunikacija tveganja, je dr Jurij Trontelj predstavil aktivnosti in rezultate projekta projekt LIFE PharmDegrade z naslovom: Merjenje koncentracij učinkovin v slovenskih odpadnih vodah ter primer razvoja nove napredne tehnologije za …


LIFE PharmDegrade was present at Porto Water Innovation Week

We have presented the LIFE PharmDegrade project in the event “The LIFE programme: funding opportunities & innovative solutions on wastewater treatment” organised by EASME and the LIFE Communications Team during the European Innovation Partnership on Water conference in Porto (26 – 29  September 2017). The project was selected from a pool of recently closed water projects …


LIFE PharmDegarde Project has officially ended

The LIFE PharmDegrade project has come to its end. Some final project documents like LayamanReport, After-LIFE Communication Plan and Final Technical report of the project can be downloaded from the project`s webpage (Project/Documents). All information from the Project Closure Conference can also be downloaded from the Closure Conference site.


LIFE PharmDegrade project has been officially ended with the closure conference

During the 24, and 25. november 2016 we have hosted a closure conference of the LIFE PharmDegrade project entitled: “Pharmacologically active substances in wastewater: optimisation of analytical methods and removal processes” The Conference Proceedings can be downloaded from the following link. On the conference web page, you can find all the lectures and some images …


LIFE PharmDegrade Open Day

We opened the doors of our pilot plant on 25. November 2016 to the public. The operation of the pilot plant has been demonstrated.


An exhibition in the lobby of the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning

In the lobby of the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning we have prepared an exhibition of our two LIFE projects: Stop CyanoBloom and PharmDegrade. The exhibition will be open in November and December 2016. A small version of the LIFE PharmDegrade posters can be downloaded from the following link: pharmdegrade-rollup-mop-1-4


Presentation of Arhel`s LIFE projects on 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineers

Both our LIFE projects, LIFE PharmDegrade and LIFE Sctop CyanoBloom, have been presented with posters on the exhibition of the 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineers 2016 – AKADEMIJA STROJNIŠTVA 2016. The poster can be downloaded from the following link:life-phd-akademija-strojnistva-web-format The whole Conference proceeding can be found on the following kink. The information of LIFE …


Activities at the pilot wastewater treatment plant of the LIFE PharmDegrade project are in full progress

Water sampling is carried out at each step of wastewater treatment. Operation and control of the physical and chemical parameters is carried out by a computer system SCADA. The final step of wastewater treatment represents electrochemical oxidation running in four electrolytic cells. Before and after wastewater treatment we monitor in addition to general physical and …


Presentation of the project results on the 13th IWA Conference on Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems

Project results have been presented on 13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water and Wastewater Systems & 5th IWA Specialized Conference on Resources-Oriented Sanitation ATHENS, GREECE 14-16 September 2016

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