Tag - Arhel


Activities at the pilot wastewater treatment plant of the LIFE PharmDegrade project are in full progress

Water sampling is carried out at each step of wastewater treatment. Operation and control of the physical and chemical parameters is carried out by a computer system SCADA. The final step of wastewater treatment represents electrochemical oxidation running in four electrolytic cells. Before and after wastewater treatment we monitor in addition to general physical and …


Project presentation on II. Slovenia – Kosovo Business Conference, 7th June 2016

Our LIFE projects have been presented on the second Slovenia-Kosovo business conference with B2B meetings held in Ljubljana, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, on 7th June 2016. You can download the presentation on the folowing link: ARHEL presentation of LIFE projects SLO Kosovo conference GZS More about the event can be find on …


Pilot plant constructed

The LIFE PharmDegrade pilot plant has been installed at the existing wastewater treatment plant in Golnik, Slovenia. The construction is made in two aboveground containers with additional small biological wastewater treatment plant and tertiary system with electrolytic cells as a final treatment step. Several containers and piping system will allow us to test various different …