Archives - November 2016


An exhibition in the lobby of the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning

In the lobby of the Slovenian Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning we have prepared an exhibition of our two LIFE projects: Stop CyanoBloom and PharmDegrade. The exhibition will be open in November and December 2016. A small version of the LIFE PharmDegrade posters can be downloaded from the following link: pharmdegrade-rollup-mop-1-4


Presentation of Arhel`s LIFE projects on 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineers

Both our LIFE projects, LIFE PharmDegrade and LIFE Sctop CyanoBloom, have been presented with posters on the exhibition of the 5th International Conference of Mechanical Engineers 2016 – AKADEMIJA STROJNIŠTVA 2016. The poster can be downloaded from the following link:life-phd-akademija-strojnistva-web-format The whole Conference proceeding can be found on the following kink. The information of LIFE …